Pontiac Repair: Indicator switch, turn signal switch, gm dealer

Make: 2003 Pointiac Grand AM
   : SE 6 Cylinder

My Indicator Switch is making a clicking sound whether or not I put it motion, how do I adjust it?

Hi Michael:

it's either the turn signal switch or the 4 way flasher switch. if you wiggle the t/s switch does the noise stop or change in how frequently it does it? if so the t/s switch is bad. else wise the 4 way flasher is bad. It's a crap shoot. They both go bad on those cars. That car had a recall for the 4 way switch. call a GM dealer give them your VIN # and see if the recalls was done on that car already if your not the original ower ther is no way you would know if it was done or not. good luck :-}