Pontiac Repair: Pontiac Vibe Headlamp Problems, 2005 pontiac vibe, pontiac vibe

QUESTION: 2005 Pontiac Vibe.

The driver's side headlamp socket has melted 3 times now in the past 2 years.  I have replaced the socket each time and this last time crimped in connectors so I wouldn't have to cut/strip any more wiring from the vehicle itself.  This last time I put in high temp. sockets and that has seemed to solve this particular problem though I am still perplexed why only the driver's side would melt but the passenger side would not.  My only explanation is that there was less air movement being cramped behind the battery.  Any thoughts on this would be welcomed but this is not the current problem.

The problem now is that the driver's side low beam will not come on.  The blue high beam indicator in the dashboard is permanently on.  The high beam will but at close to the intensity of the low beam.  I have double checked that I have the connectors connected correctly.  To add to this confusion, if I unplug the passenger side lamp, the driver's side lamp goes out.  Any advice on this would be intensely welcomed.

ANSWER: Hi derek:

you need a wiring diagram fo the car and take a look at where the ground is for the lamps is and take a look at the ground connection a "loose" or poor connection can cause this to happen. also make sure you are using only OEM head lamp bulbs no magic blue halogen or sylvania silver streak bulbs aftermarket bulbs are not the same as the OEM bulbs too much amperage flow will cause this to happen as well. lastly when you make the next repair solder the connections don't just use crimp connections. Good luck :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I do not have the wiring diagram for the car.  Where would you suggest I begin to look for the ground connection?

When I use crimp connections, I added oxyguard to reduce the dielectric.  While that might not be as good a solder it should work fairly well.

I can't dent you any diagrams Via all experts. you can get a service manual pretty cheap for these just stay away from haynes manuals. A 2005 toyota corola maatrix is the same car so if yiou cabn find a toyota manual chaper then go that rouute. as for the other part of this question with the fog lamps that is suggesting to me that there for sure is some sort of a ground issue here and the lamps are working though the fog lamp thay may share the same ground and it's backfeeding through those lamps. has this had any collision work done to it that your aware of ? if so that is the first place to start looking. good luck :)