Pontiac Repair: 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3800 V6, blower motor resistor, rear defogger

The fan will not come on sometimes when the heater is turned on. Sometimes after the car is running for a while it will start blowing. The rear defogger will not come on either when this occurs. The heat works fine but the fan just decides when it is going to come on.

Hi Sharon:

it's odd that the defogger and blower stop at the same time. When those quit does anything else in the car stop working as well. I want to say the issue may be with the heater control head but I don;t see that happen all that often. usually when the blower quits workin ona and off like you say it's the motor that goes bad. do all the speeds work when it does work or are the lower speeds inop? It could be an issue with the blower motor resistor that is bad causing the blower motor to quit. and the defogger issue can be it's own sperate issue with the control head... With out seeing this  It's hard to say for sure what the problem is or if they are tied togheter as the same root cause.

Good Luck :0