Pontiac Repair: 1992 bonneville, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow

i got a 1992 bonneville 262 kms.. its sputtering when i give it gas i chaged the coils it seem to fix the problem for a day.. but its still acting up.. it stalled on my twice today

Hi Robert:

does this have the one big coil or 3 individual coils? They used both systems back on those cars.. How are the spark plug wires? When it does is it like someone turns the key right off of does it spti and sputter like you mentioned? If it just cuts out I'd suspect either an ignition module or a crankshaft sensor. More a sensor then a module. If it spits and sputters lack power and dies I's look more toward s a fuel delivery issue.. Plugged fuel filter,fule pump going bad Mass Air flow sensor etc.... It could go on and on. Has any service engine soon lamp come on?