Pontiac Repair: speedometer cable, pontiac bonneville, speedometer cable

Hello, the car I have a question about is a 1994 Pontiac Bonneville, 3.8L Fuel injection. Automatic transmission.

The speedometer is not working. Is the cable connected to the transmission housing at one end and the other goes to the dash? Or is there some other setup, like a computer board, etc.?
   Any information will help. Thank-you!

Hi rodney:

that car has an electric speedo no cable. does the cruis control work if equipped? If so then I would suspect that the speedo head is bad or the signal to the head in bad. If the cruise doesn't work either then it's either a speed sesnor on the transmission or a bad connection in the wiring between the sensor and the engine computer it's self or even the computer is not sending the signal out to the cruise module and the speedo. Without seeing it's hard to say but I would look for a wiring issue first and foremost. Good luck :)