Pontiac Repair: 1997 Bonneville Climate Control, flashing heater control head

I have a 1997 Bonneville SSEI and noticed the temperature started flashing when i started the car.  Read some things on the net and still am having problems. Is there a button combination I can press to find out the error code?  The AC works but I get no heat at all and with the fall coming this is becoming a problem with no heat for defrost. Any help is appreciated.

Hi Jay:

On those systems you an't do a button push to get the codes outof the system. Even if you could it only gives you an idea as to what the issue MAY be. you need a scan tool that can be hooked up to the car and retrieve the codes out of the heater control module. and then from there see what the issue may be with seeing the data stream for the heater-a/c control. My guess would be either a temp sensor is bad or a tempature control actautor has gone bad. Good luck :0