Pontiac Repair: 91 Chevy Lumina APV, chevy lumina apv, lumina apv

I'm in Upstate NY, too-- Utica area.  I have a 91 Chevy Lumina APV 3.1L. I have been trying unsuccessfully to bleed the brakes.  The pedal goes nearly to the floor even after bleeding all four brakes numerous times. I have replaced the Master cylinder, including bench bleeding it. I have adjusted the rear brake pads so that they are snug against the drums.  There are no apparent leaks in any of the lines.  I have bled them from the furthest point (passenger rear) to the closest to the MC.  I continually get air on both back brakes- worse on the passenger side.  I do not get any air on the front brakes at all.  When you pump the brakes, there is a squeaking noise coming from the vacuum housing.  I don't know if this would have anything to do with air in the brake lines, however.  One thing to note: the van was sitting for about a year. I have bled many brakes successfully, but this job has me stumped.  Do you have any suggestions?  Thank you!

ANSWER: Hey rick:

A few things does this van have ABS brakes? if so the module needs to beled out using a scan tool. if not then I would lean towards a bad master cylinder Even know you said it's new. did you bench bleed it correctly? untuill ther were no bubbles at all on the hoses. If not then try it again. you may just be pushing the same air bubbles up and down inside the lines. You may want to invest in a hand brake bleeder that works off a hand vacuum pump they work great and it's better than having to have a person help you. but like I first stared if this has anti-lock brakes they are impossible to to bleed with out a scan tool. As for the sound it may be inside the booster it's self. I doubyt it has anything to do with the bleed of the brakes. The booster doesn't have anything to do with bleeding brakes correclty. good luck :} Trying to stay warm here in Buffalo NY!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, Todd, the van doesn't have ABS.  And I did have a little trouble with bench bleeding the MC.  I'm not so sure I did it properly.  Could you please run me through the procedure?  Thanks so much for all your input and your great attitude! You deserve an A+!  Rick

okay fisrt off you need a good brak blled kit one that doesn't leak when you put the adaptors on the master cylinder you will need 4 of them I belive that van has 4 ports off the cylinder and then run the 4 houses off the adaptors on the ports up and into the resivoir and make sure they are long enough to go under the fluid then stroke the cylinder fully all the way in and all the way back out wait about 10 seconds between strokes when your done bleeding it is when you depress the piston and you do not see anymore bubbles comming out of the hoses then take and put it back on the van and bleed the brakes. Like I said before look into one of those hand held self bleed vacuum pump bleeders they work awesome! good luck :}