Pontiac Repair: Follow up on your reply, obd 2, forestry business

First of all thanks for a quick response during the holidays. I woke up in the middle of the night and backtracked myself and remembered a not so minor detail. I grabbed my shop light and went straight to the problem. The hose thatconnects to the upper intake that provides vacuum to the brake booster was loose and tied back right where I left it. Attached it, problem solved No MIL's, proper idle and positive results during road test Thanks a million. Also if you will I am going it alone  in the repair business and I need your honest opinion about an aftermarket scan tool. I am looking at the Genysis line specifically the OTC 3670 Expert 3.0 with the additon of the heavy duty  insert. this is where the money is as the nearest repair center is almost an hour away. I am in the forestry business and most of the heavy trucks and their problems are simple and easy to diagnose and fix. Trouble codes and their related causes such as ECT Timing reference sensors IAT's can be handled in the parking lot of  the local fuel stops or in the customers yards. This tools is used at my school( I forgot to mention that I am in my last quarter of school for automotive technology and it has been a long 3.5 years) and we ahve ahd alot of success. Thanks for any advice and best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New year.

Hi Blaine:

Glad I could help sort of. As fo that scna tool I have an old OTC monitor 2000 that I bough while I was in college it worked well but that was almost 20 years ago. I still have it and it still works. I have an old car 87 chevy that still hasa carb so that's why I still have the scanner. It worked/works well. Before you shell out any money look to see what type of support the tool has maning will they continue to supply updates in the comming years. You need a tool that has OBD 2 and  LAN communications. I know in the next 2 years GM is going to have more stuff on their dtat stream and we will need new scanner/software to read this... I have see the Mac tool and the Snap on one as well. I liked using the Mac one better and I think it's cheaper.. again look at support!!!