Pontiac Repair: montana power locks, power locks, montana power

QUESTION: the power locks will unlock with the door, key, hatch switch, but will not lock with the same switchs.

ANSWER: Hi Steve:

You probably have a corroded wire either for the unlock and lock under the right front sill plate there is a white wire and a light blue wire in a splice pack. they may be corroded. Pul up the carpet and check that harness it's probably sitting is a puddle of water as well. good luck :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: sorry for the ignorant follow up, but where is the sill plate? Is there an easy way to get the carpet up?
Thanks in advance

ANSWER: No Problem sorry I wasn't clear enough I forget at times I'm not sending messages to non car people. The sill plate is the plastic piece when you open the door that covers up the endges of the carpet along the door opening. You alos need to remove the kick panel piece that is the piece of trim in front on the sill plate that is under the dash the sill plate is under that kick panel. You will have to unwrap the tape on that harness the splices are about 1/3 of the way back between the dash and the seat closer to the dash then the seat. You will not be able to miss them.

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QUESTION: Thanks for the clarification. I found the splices, un-taped them and they are not coroded. There was no water in the channel and the bundle looked good. Any other thoughts? Oh, and by right front sill I assumed passenger side, is that correct? The power locks will unlock, just not lock.

Does this van have keyless entry? if so does it lock with the key transmitter? Lets start there. If it does lock with the remotes you know that the van has the capability of locking the doors. when you have the left door open and the key out when you press the lock button do you hear one audible chime?