Pontiac Repair: pontiac major brake problem, advanced auto parts, bendix brakes

I have a '97 Pontaic Sunfire SE. About a year ago, my brakes started squeaking and got progressively worse. I was almost positive that I had the loudest brakes in Colorado. Anyways, now that it's winter, they aren't squeaking to loud, but I have also noticed that since they started sqeaking, the rear brakes have been very "grabby". I hardly even push them down, but if it's just a little to fast, they'll do that stupid anti-lock pulse thing. They're very tight and I've brought them to several places and no one seems to know what to do about them. It's getting very frustrating, especially with the icy roads coming. So the squeak is what gets me in the summer, and the anti-lock and very very touchy brakes are what gets me in the winter. Any suggestions on what it might be? Thank you.

Hi Rachel:

This is a pretty common probem with these cars. What you need is the rear brakes to be replaced. After a while the material that the brakes are made of become "water loggged" what I mean is the material absorbs the mostire for the air and then the pads become "sticky" and they grab especiall the first few stops in the AM. replace them with good quailty shoes not ones from like an Auto zone or Advanced auto parts. Use either GM durastop shoes or Bendix brakes. Also I would advise you to replace the drums as well. If the surface is not smooth on them that causes issues as well and with as old a car as this is I'm sure they are pretty rotted out as well. Good luck and happy Holidays. :)