Pontiac Repair: Pontiac Sunfire wont shift gears (manual trans.), pontiac sunfire, shift cable

I have a 1997 2.4L 5 speed trans. pontiac Sunfire. The car seems to be stuck in the low gear. When I depress the clutch and start the car and let out on the clutch it drives but I can not shift to any other gear??? Is there a shift cable or linkage rod that is broken or stuck on this car?? I have not looked under the car to see what is wrong. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Hey Glen:

Well It's one of three things and with out seeing it it's totally a guess. it's either the shifter in the car Doubt ful or one of the 2 cables broke possible or something on or in the transmission broke. I'm really can't help you more than that. If you can physicallt make the shifter do through the "tree" pattern then I would say it's not the shifter it's self then it would have to be one of the other to things. If the shifter is binding it's either a cable or in the transmission. Sorry I can't help much more. good luck :)