Pontiac Repair: Car stalling, fuel pressure regulator, crankshaft sensor

Hi, I have a 2000 bonniville.  I drove home, pulled in the drive way , shut the car off, tried to start it again and it wouldnt start. so, I just left it.  The next day I drove about 10 minute (enough for the engine to warmup) car shut off.  I finally got it started and it stalled again.  I waited untill engine cooled (waited another day) I got car partially home stalled again. (waited another day) I got the car barely home of me pumping the gas pedal the whole way.  it was stalling to, but i would pump and it barely made it.  My husband thought it was the crankshaft sensor.  We changed it. it didnt do anything.  He swapped out ign. module, didnt do anything.  The car has gotten worse.  It will turn over but will not start now. When I do turn it over it smells like it is flooding I check the fuel pressure.  with key turned on it read 44 psi.  When I turned it over it read 54 psi then dropped back down to 44psi after 3 seconds.  is this the correct psi for gm.  I need help my car has been sitting for 3 wks, I need  to use it!

Have him pull the vacuum line off the fuel pressure regulator.
if there is ANY sign of fuel there, that is your problem.
I really think it is anyways, the symptoms you give are CLASSIC of a fuel pressure regulator dumping fuel.
Black smoke also?? That would be from burning excess fuel (rich).
Start it run it for a few mins and pull the line off you'll see the fuel.
Good Luck