Pontiac Repair: 96 Pontiac Grand Prix SE, pontiac grand prix, radiator cap

I think I have a air bubble in the coolent line.  How do I release the air?  The reason I think it is an air bubble is because the low coolant light came on, so I filled it up.  It is still full after 3 days but the light is still on. It is getting hot but it has yet to overheat.  Please help me with my car?

well if you wait till it cools down and open the radiator cap up and make sure it is filled and then fill the overflow tank as well, and the light is still on, then the sensor is bad,, if you are filling the radiaor up and its full. after three days the air should have worked its way out to the top, make sure the cooling fan is coming on and the fan spins fast fast like it should,,you may just have a false reading from the sensor