RV Repair: fridge, ammonia smell, camping world

QUESTION: I have a 91 21ft Nomad. Recently my fridge stopped working. I've tried leveling trailer. Tried electric power then propane but no luck. Any ideas. I really don't wana replace fridge.

ANSWER: Turn the fridge on if the stack or the flue gets hot but it still wont cool then odds are you have a cooling unit out. Look for yellow residue or the smell of amoina. THoses are to key signd just check the stack after about 1/2 hour of the fridge being on

let me know


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, I checked when fridge on an tubes warm up but nothing cools down. ive not seen any residue or no ammonia smell

well you proabaly need a cooling unit. Now that being said People will tell you to take it out and turn it over for the day or beat on it with a hammer or hook the heating elelment up directly to power. These are all fun and great but your just going to be out some where and its gonna quit and then you will pay big bucks on the road. Find a good dealer not camping world but a good dealer with a rvia master certified tech. and have them swap the cooling unit. Make them put the warranty in writing.

Sorry wish I had better news just better off to fix it than prolong it  

Thanks and let me know who you find that  did good work