RV Repair: awning for rv, 5th wheel trailer, spring assembly

I am replacing a 20' awning on the side of my 5th wheel trailer.   The real questions is on the 'spring-loaded' rollup tube.  How is the awning 'spring torque' adjusted? Can it be adjusted to tighten it? I just installed it and it is not rolling up on it's own. What am I doing wrong?

Steve, Yes you can adjust the tension for your awning. On the cam lock end set it for pulling down and pull it down all the way. Then take the spring assembly off the arm and turn the end of the assembly in the direction that you have it going already. This will add winds to the spring and tighten up the awning. The other side goes the same way except that when you take it off the arm it will want to unwind so watch out and try to hold it so that does not happen. Then add some winds to it and test it until you have the right amount of winds. Thanks, Bill