RV Repair: RV electric step, damon challenger, intermittent problems

We have a 2002 Damon Challenger 33.5" with an electric step problem.  It's a Kwikee single step that works intermittently.  It does not work, then we drive down the road and it works again.  The switch can be in the off position, and sometimes the step will still extends.  It's been cleaned and lubed with WD40.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks, Elaine

Hi Elaine:
Intermittent problems can be very agravating and at times difficult to fix. The problem is probably a wiring short, bad connection or the like. Try working with the step wiring with the switch on. Move the wiring harness and wires at various places to see if the step starts to work. Then look closely at the wiring near there to fing the connection problem. I have worked for days at times to find the solution. Check to make sure that there has been not too much moisture near the motor or control box. Tap on the gear box to make sure it is not boud up somehow. Good luck.