Saturn Repair: alternator replacement vs. kit repair, metal shavings, time and patience

Hello Chris.. your eariler tips on tensioner replacement were fantastic.  it is now two weeks later and my alternator has died.  (don't know if it was related to the tensioner replacement or the 170k miles...both could cause it I suppose)  anyway I am quite poor (sub teacher) and I was wondering about your opinion of alternator replacement vs kit repair?  and if kit repair is a viable option...what would you suggest.  (p.s. I had to cut the frozen bolts off of the tensioner with a Dremel and there were quite a bit of metal shavings in the area...could this have affected the alternator or made it non repairable to a 'kit'?)  Thanks so much.  Jon

 If you are someone who has the time and patience for a kit repair, more power to you.  I have only done it once, and that was just because the guys in the shop bet me I couldn't.  If I were you I'd just bite the bullet and replace the alternator.  In my part of the world I can usually find an aftermarket alternator with a warranty for around fifty or sixty bucks.  The time spent trying to repair your old alternator will more than make up for the cost difference between a new one and a kit.  I don't think that the metal shavings had anything to do with it...possible, not likely.  Anyway, I hope this helps, and best of luck to you.
