Saturn Repair: 1997 Saturn engine noise, serpentine belt tensioner, saturn wagon


I have a 1997 Saturn wagon with a couple of weird problems.
The main problem is that when starting the engine, it makes a
very loud, grinding noise. If the engine is already warm, it may
take 2 or 3 attempts before the engine will actually turn over and
start, otherwise, I just get the loud cranking noise like metal on
metal. Once it starts, it runs fine, drives fine with good
acceleration. Do I need to replace the starter?                           
     A second problem is that once the engine has started it
makes an electrical whining noise that only increases in pitch
and volume as you accelerate. It sounds like a small electrical
motor. I'm not sure if the two problems are related.

First, the noise you describe doesn't sound good.  Without hearing the noise I can't be certain.  However, it does sound like your starter gear is worn, and possibly the flywheel/flexplate as well.  I would attempt a starter replacement first, as this might patch the problem for a while.  In my experience however, the flywheel usually will need to be changed.  
Second, a whining noise from this engine is typical at higher mileages.  Most of the time the culprit is either a serpentine belt tensioner or an idler pulley.  Both of which are on the front face of the engine and not an easy task to get to.  You can probably eliminate one or the other with a full can of WD-40 w/ red straw, sprayed onto the bearing of either pulley.  Hope this helps!