Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): NO VOLTAGE BOLENS WEED WACKER

QUESTION: Eric Hi Im not getting any spark on my Bolens BL100 trimmer.  I replaced the spark plug, checked wires to switch, etc.  Is there a way to test the wire module assembly. Are you famailar with this weed wacker, I need your help.  Thank you Kenny

ANSWER: You can check for resistance but the best way to test them is just to dis-connect any small wires, the wires from the shut-off switch, and then check for spark.

If you do not have any spark, with the switch wires dis-connected from the module, then the module is bad.  This is the recommended procedure by many manufacturers.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Eric Hi I removed the wires an Im not getting spatk from the plug,  How difficult is it to remove the wire module. Also is there a place where I can purchase this module and get a good deal on it. Thanks Ken

To access the module, you need to remove the shaft assembly and plastic engine housing case.

As far as an inexpensive module, the part number you need is an MTD 753-04336.  Just Google the part number and search for the best deal.

You can try to find a used one at local small engine shops in your area. The part was used on over 70 different machines so there is a good chance finding a used one if any of the local shops have a "bone yard".
