Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Ignition switch, solenoid switch, starter solenoid

QUESTION: I've got an old Craftsman riding mower. Model 917.254622. Had a very old battery. Replaced it with new. Sitting in seat, foot on clutch, turn ign and it just clicks. Clicking at the switch. Replaced it once not very long ago. Tried to cross the solenoid with screwdriver and nothing. I'm thinking it's another ign switch. Not the starter. I don't think. Just had it rebuilt last year. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.

ANSWER: Remove the spark plug and see if the starter will turn the engine.

Let me know what happens.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: didn't do anything. Same thing. Clicking at the ign switch

Have you dis-connected the battery cables and cleaned the battery terminals and the cable ends with a wirebrush?

Looking at your mowers wiring diagram the starter solnoid should have 2 big battery cables and one small wire.  Is this correct?  If so, use a voltmeter and measure the voltage on the small wire when trying to start the mower.

You can also try a jumper wire from the positive battery cable to the small wire/post on the starter solenoid.  The engine should turn over because you are closing the solenoid switch.

Let me know how much voltage is getting to the small solenoid wire.
