Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Scotts Garden tractor electrical problem, electric clutches, apple cart

I sent this to Ben last week and have not been able to Thank him for his response nor update the question. Typically , you all are maxxed out and I have no way to respond to you folks!!
Scotts 2554 tractor about 100 hours on it, it was stored in a open barn for about 3 years and became a mouse kingdom.That is I had to remove the shroud and remove the mouse nests and rebuild the carb. (surged like crazy!!) Now this problem, and quite frankly the wiring book costs over $85!! Which is a bit much for a retiree..
The Battery lite comes on when I engage the PTO and discharges the battery typically within 2 hours in that I have to jump the tractor, Ben said probably a bad cell, what I neglected to post was that I swapped out 2 new batteries last season and I put a volt meter while running and get 14+ volts. I thought it was the regulator, but if that's bad it would discharge all the time, yes??
I read on this site John Senior commented to another user that was kind of a common problem with these tractors.. So,  if indeed it's a PTO problem how do I shoot it?? Or where do I go from here??

Kohler Family 2KHXS.725GC, MOD.# CV725S, COMMAND ENGINE.

I hope I've not upset the apple cart by asking you the same problem that I asked of another expert!!

Let me Thank you in advance!!!


One of the links below should be your service manual:

While I would suspect the PTO you need to verify the reggulator is working before just replacing the PTO.

I would recommend dis-connecting the battery cables and cleaning the battery terminals and cable ends with a wirebrush before doing anything else...I have fixed a lot of electrical problems just by cleaning the connections.

This link (below) has good info on electric clutches:

You need to click on the "electricclutchtesting" PDF file below the large PDF reader icon.

Let me know what you find.
