Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): solenoid or starter or just charge the battery, starter solenoid, jumper cable

I just did some maintenance on an older Murry rider. has a 12h.p. briggs #282707-012201.  Mainly put in a carb kit and new fuel line with a shut off valve.  after turning it over for awhile to get it started (since it was all dried out from the rebuild) the starter won't engage and there is a loud grinding noise at the solenoid.  Nothing happens at the starter.  The solenoid gets very hot and this loud grinding noise is all I get out of it.  I did put a charger on for about 15 minutes on high boost but still nothing.  there appears to be good spark off the terminals but I'm not sure whats up.  I did take the starter off also to put a new pendix sprocket on.  The little bolt that is at the bottom of the starter that all the wiring connects to is loose but everything is still intact.  I just have to be carefull not to twist it too much since the plastic base seems old and brittle.  Not sure what I'm missing.. other than maybe just charge the battery longer or is there a ground out somewhere on the starter??
thanks for any insight you may have.

Hello Rob:

>>Sorry for the Delay. I have been Unable to Answer Questions Due to Health Issues. Thanks for Understanding.
>>From your Description it Sounds like a Low Battery or a Bad Starter Solenoid.
>>The Following is an Instruction File I Made for Checking/Testing the Starter and Solenoid.
>>**(with the Spark Plug/s Removed) To Check the Solenoid and Starter, Once you are Sure the Battery is Fully Charged/New, then Use your Jumper Cable Set and Attach the Positive Lead Onto the Positive Post of the Battery (make sure the Battery is Fully Charged or is a New Battery).
>>Now Firmly Touch the Large Post on the Starter.
>>If the Starter Does Not Turn and you can turn the Engine by Hand, then the Starter is Bad.
>>If the Starter Turns the Engine Properly, Then Check the Solenoid. Firmly Touch the Small Post at the Base of the Solenoid that has the Ign Wire Attached to it.
If the Solenoid Does Not Click, then a Safety Switch is Preventing the Starter System from Operating and the Safety Switch must be Replaced to Correct this Problem.
>>If The Starter Does Not Turn and the Solenoid Clicks, Then the Solenoid is Bad.**
>>Have your Battery Load Tested at your Local Auto Parts Retailer.
>>If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I Hope to be Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.

Good Luck



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