Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): leaking oil, craftsman mowers, key start

Your question was

"Good morning Mr. jones,
I have a craftsman 700 lawn mower 190cc, key start or pulley purchased in summer
of 2009. I keep my lawn mower in the dining room to keep it from the elements.
Before using it on March 19, 2010, I checked the oil, and it was dry. I put in a
quart of oil, and it smoked so bad, the neighbors came outside. After parking it
for 24 hours, all of the oil had leaked out! Help. thank you, from Memphis, TN"

Does the oil smell like gasoline?  If so, then the inlet needle is not sealing and gas is flowing into the engine oil.  This is very common on Craftsman mowers.  To fix the problem, you need to clean the carb and I'd recommend replacing the inlet needle and seat.  There are several videos on You Tube on repairing, cleaning or rebuilding Tecumseh or Craftsman carburetors.

Only a year old the inlet needle seats shouldn't leak but it happens so frequently that we always replace them as part of a tune-up.  Not a difficult job but I'd recommend taking pictures as before and during carburetor removal so you know how to connect the carburetor linkages when you put it back together.

If you send me the Sears model number, located on a sticker about the size of a business card, I can look up your mower and know for sure which carb you have.
