Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Small Engine, blown head gasket, head bolts

Hello Paul and thanks. Am trying to work on a Kaw.FJ 180-ds54-r.What else would you look for with a blown head gasket?

hi jerry

what makes you sure engine has blown head gasket /

can you tell me what symptoms are ?

low power,  black smoke,  wet / oily inside air cleaner , uses oil, runns poorly /

anything you can tell me

typically if unit has blown head  gasket , make sure cyl head is flat/ true - no warp
check guides for exces play ?   check valve stemms for signs of wear

give  valves a grind to their seats and check valve faces and margins

cut seats if have to and reface valves if burned pitted provided stems ok

replace guide seals and all gaskets etc - check bore for signs of o/heating from low oil
leaking valves either in/ ex  can cause mixture to be lean  and run hotter
and causes low power because of lost mixture and compression

reassemble and torque cyl head bolts down in correct order  to correct torque
and set valve clearance - drain & oil and replace oil filter and refill engine oil
fit new plugs and check out carby ( make sure clean and set -  )  fire her up

cheers paul