Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): HONDA HRS21 ENGINE, honda dealership, lawnmower

I loved my Honda HRS21 lawnmower, had it for 30 years. The engine is blown, is it worth fixing and if so how much would it cost. I recently picked up a snapper P21500, cant get it started, but i feel its no comparison to the Honda, and i would love to repair it.

   I use an expression when someone has an old beloved lawnmower
that they don't want to part with, "Lincoln was a great president,
but they still had to bury him...."

I worked at a big Honda dealership in Louisville, and they still
work on some of those old ones, so you might give them aa call,
and ask for Steve in parts, they might even have a good used model, it is The Mower Shop, 1-502-969-6433, they could give you a good idea on the parts cost, and your best options.