Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): GX140 honda motor with Markon Generator, honda engines, honda motor

Dear Sir,
My question is pretty basic but so is my knowledge of motors and generators.  I have inherited a small gen set which uses a Honda GX140 motor attached to a Markon Generator.   I have no manual and I am unsure of how to go about starting it.  It has been sitting for many years (8+) and so I have drained the small amount of old fuel from the tank.  Does it use unleaded or Super petrol? Anything else I need to do before attempting to start?  Any idea where i could locate a manual?

I imagine it will need the carburetor rebuilt after sitting for so many years.  An oil change and new spark plug would be good ideas too.  I would also replace the fuel line, clean out the gas tank and replace the air filter myself.

Regular unleaded gas should be fine.  The owner's manual is available at

Just pick your engine from the list at the bottom half of the page.

I imagine the genewrator head will need to be excited after sitting so long.  If you start the engine and there's no power output at the electric outlets, you'll need to contact a shop that works with that specific generator to check it out and possibly excite it.  Let me know if you have any questions, thanks, PK.