Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): john deere 210 onlu runs when choked, runs with choke on

hey! i have a john deere 210 riding mower with a kohler 10 hp engine.  i got it out for the first time this year and it cranked an ran fine.  the whole time i was cutting my grass, i kept trying to open the choke but the engine would try to cut off.  after cutting i removed the air filter and spark plug, went to town, got new ones and replaced. i made sure to oil the ring around the air filter.  i started it up and still i never could open the choke. i would really apreciate some help with my problem.  thanks

You have a carburetor in need of a rebuild.  It needs to be removed and soaked in a carb cleaner for at least an hour and then reassembled with a new carb kit.

You have some varnish and dirt in the carb that's clogging things up and not allowing enough fuel to flow into the venturi most likely.  By choking it, you restrict the air and speed up the air flow which enrichens the mix.  It's also possible to have an air leak somewhere or a fuel pump that's not flowing enough fuel, but the carburetor is the place to start.