Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Installing ring gear, bolts and nuts, steering wheel puller

Hi Mr. Bridgers, Can you tell me where the flywheel is located on the Briggs 10HP motor?  We've never worked on one and my dad and it want to add an electric starter on our generator.  The motor is Model 19E412, Type 013101, code 9701181A.  I just didn't know if the flywheel is on the pull start end of the motor or on the shaft end of the motor.  I need to mount a ring gear to it.  I believed it was on the shaft end.  Is there just a cover to be removed to expose the flywheel for bolting the ring gear on?  Thanks, Kevin

Hello Kevin:

>>The Flywheel is on the Starter Side of the Engine.
>>You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Engine at this Site Addy, and Select the Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM and Enter the Model (5 or 6 Digits) and Type Numbers (first 4 digits Only). Example: 19E412-0131-01. Then Double Click on the Model in the Results Area. Select Sectional Index. Now you can Select the Section of the Engine you Wish to View.
>>The Blower Housing has to be Remooved and then you have Access to the Flywheel.
>>The Following is a Basic Instruction File I made for Changing the Starter Ring on Most Small Engines. Any Input is Appreciated.
>>Usually I Suggest the Flywheel be Taken to a Small Engine Service Center for the Starter Ring Gear Replacement. Some of the Starter Ring Gears are Held on with Rivots and Others are Held on with Bolts and Nuts.
>>The Flywheel Key is what Times the Plug Firing. The Valves are Timed by the Marks on the Crankshaft and Cam and is an Internal Setting (this is a Non Issue for the Flywheel Removal and Replacement).
>>If the Ring Gear is Steel, then you Must Purchase the Flywheel and Ring as a Unit and if the Ring is Aluminum you can Replace Just the Ring.
>>***Remove the Blower Housing (metal engine cover). Remove the Flywheel Nut or Starter Cup (Depends on the Model).
>>Now Attach a Steering Wheel Puller to the Flywheel Using the Threaded Holes in the Flywheel.
>>Tighten the Puller. Now Hit the Puller with a Hammer. Repeat this Procedure Until the Flywheel Pops Up or can be Lifted Off the Crankshaft.
>>On Some Models you Can Not Use a Puller and Must Use a Pry Bar and a Pipe Cap that is Slightly Larger than the Crankshaft. Place the Pipe Cap Over the Crankshaft to Protect it. Place the Pry Bar Under the Thick Section of the Flywheel and Pull Up Against the Flywheel. **BE CAREFUL  DO NOT PUT A HOLE IN THE BLOCK UNDER THE FLYWHEEL** Now Hit the Pipe Cap that is on the Crankshaft (covered with the Pipe Cap). Repeat the Procedure Until the Flywheel can be Lifted Off the Crankshaft.***
>>Now you can Replace the Starter Ring.
>>Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag, if I Missed Something or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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