Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 041 farmboss wont stay running, carb adjustments, cold state

I have an 041 farmboss that initially would start & run as long as I worked the choke & if I left it somewhere around half open it would stay running as long as I kept the throttle wide open. after about 3 days of use it just basically stopped. now if I pour the fuel in the carb it will fire up & run & then just stop. it was in the shop shortly before I got it & the guy that had it in the shop used it 2 cut some very large trees & he then went through it & gave it back. all of the fuel lines seem very pliable & it appears that there's fuel in the lines. I am not sure as to what the initial mixture screw settings should be. I just found it odd that I had to tweak the choke to cut with it or keep it running. every time I have to start it from a cold state I have to pour fuel in the carb to keep my arm from falling off while trying to start it. granted its an old saw but the sentimental value (it was my fathers until he passed away) make me want to keep it and use it. any suggestions would be appreciated. I am very mechanical so if its a carb kit or simple adjustment I can do it. also the correct info on gas oil mix would be great as its currently using the 40:1 that my poulan runs. thanks in advance, Alan

Hi Alan,
I would try carb adjustments first. There should be two screws on the side of the carb. One marked L (low speed) one marked H (high speed). Open the high speed up about a quarter turn. If this helps, but is not enough, try opening it another quarter turn. If it still won't go, you'll probably need a carb cleaning and kit. Really scrutinize the fuel and impulse lines for dry rot cracks. Even check the fuel line inside the tank for holes/cracks. Hope this helps.
