Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snowblower - Shearpin?, water shaft, murray snowblower

I have a gas powered Murray snowblower (#624504x4d).  Something got caught in the augers and now it will not discharge the snow.  I suspect a shearpin broke.  However, I haven't a clue where the shearpin would be located that would have stopped the impeller.  Would you be able to tell me where its located or how to access it?  P.S.  The manual says to chage the shear pin, but not "how" to change it.  Thank you so ever much!!!!!!  Pat

The shear pin goes through the water shaft there is usually one on each side.  Clean out all snow and debris around the Auker look along the auger shaft for a round hole or a bolt going through the shaft this bolt is the shear pin if it has been sheared you'll have to turn the auger until it lines up with the broken in and then drive out the broken piece and put in a new sheared if by chance there is no shear pin or the sheer pain is still in place check first the belt that drives the auger  the gear case that the auger shaft goes through.  I hope this information helps out let me know if we can be of more assistance.