Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Toro S-200 start problem, ultrasonic tank, good tank

QUESTION: I got the blower from grandson. He hadn't used it in a couple years. Gas smelled bad,cleaned tank of old gas & varnish,replaced fuel line. Wouldn't start.Couldn't get carb off to soak, nut on Rh side not accessible. Local shop recommended replace Diaphragm,Inlet needle seat assy. Cleaned reassembled,checked spark, good. Tank was drained so put a few drops fuel in Carb throat. 2nd pull fired up till fuel was used up. Put fresh gas mix in tank, have not been able to restart?. Toro S200, model 38120, Ser#9074374.

ANSWER: You still have a problem n the main jet circuit, it's not drawing fuel from the bowl into the carb as it should. I would think it is still gummed up. Are you absolutely sure you placed the diaphragm right side up? Is the needle seat in with the correct side down into the carb?....Tom

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Parts were installed per blowup drawing of Carb. Large washer like on diaphragm up, smallend of needle down into seat. There was a small ceramic washer in new kit on top of seat that was not in assembly removed?. Is there a special wrench required to remove the carb nut behind the fuel in horn, nipple the fuel hose attaches to?. What cleaner would you suggest for cleaning?. Thanks

I always use Gumout Jet Spray, and a small wire t clean the small passages. Tough ones I put in a ultrasonic tank with special parts cleaner. I want to say on that model I just customized a old wrench with a bend in it. I haven't done a S200 in a little while, and am not sure of the diaphragm position, but if you replaced it as you took it off, or as in the picture, you should be good, but I have never seen the ceramic  piece in a Tecumseh S200 kit. There should be a few rubber tiny o-rings for around the idle screw........To