Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): john deere 212 not starting from key switch, john deere 212, old john deere

hello, i have a old john deere 212.  I have replaced the 12 horse kohler with a 14 horse kohler out of a 318. My problem is I have power from the battery to the solinoid, from the solinoid to the key switch and back to the solinoid but nothing from the solnoid to the starter. Are the solnoids suppose to be grounded to the frame? becuase where it connets at has original frame paint. And I can not remember on the old solinoid since i have changed it out 3 times. Also i am able to start the engine by jumping the solnoid. so i am totally lost now. what whould be causing this and how do i go about fixxing this?  thank you

The solenoids does not need to be grounded. You will need to check all your safety switches first. Seat switch, blade switch, reverse switch, brake/clutch switch, which ever ones your model has. Also check your fuses. Seems something is keeping your solenoid from getting the power to the cross over circuit on the solenoid so the solenoid is not opening to allow power across to the starter side. Each of the things I mentioned above will cause that. It's also possible the solenoid is bad....Tom