Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): briggs electronic ignition, plug gap, ohmmeter

Have several mowers that don't work. Coils have continuity with ohmmeter but no spark.   Assume some electronic component goes bad in these quite frequently.  I wonder if jerryrigging with a capacitor from a points-condenser car system could be wired to solve rather than buying a new part.  If so, which terminal--the shutoff one or some other?

The coil is 2 windings of wire one thin wire and one thick They represent the primary and secondary circuit.  They are wrapped around laminated steel.  As the  N & S magnets pass through the field electricity is generated.  When the points closed it collapses into the secondary and a spark is generated at the plug gap and then to ground in the cylinder head.  Electronic ignition rep;laces the points, points plunger and condenser. I think they call it a SRC trigger.  Briggs sells a Magnstron kit to change most B&S engines into electronic ignition.  There is not a lot of things to test.  The ignition works or not.  You will get good ones that will last years and others that will not last a season.  All depends on quality control that day.  Hope I helped