Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Honda Generator, honda generator, good fire

Hey Ben,
I'm in Houston with Ike heading our way.  Tried to start my Honda Generator EB 2200X but couldn't get it going. It will start for about 5 seconds in choke mode only but quits as soon as it uses up fuel in carb. bowl.  Plugs show good fire. Put a little gas in plug hole and tried to run it but would not run more than a couple of seconds.
Thanks ahead for any info you can give me.

Bill Deyoe


See if you can nurse it with some fuel directly into the carb and keep it running. This would confirm a fuel issue. If so check and clean the fuel system from the tank to the carb(filters, lines....) and verify fuel flow to the carb. Next would be to clean or kit the carb.

If it will not remain running by nursing it, remove the kill wire from the coil and check for spark.