Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 5000 Pioneer chainsaw,,not working, combustion temperatures, pioneer chainsaw

I have a 1984 Pioneer/Partner chainsaw..It was seised,,when i got it,,but it unseised right away,after i poured oil in the cylinder.
I dont know if your into small engines like this,,,,but i put a good diaphram in the carb,,,,and good gas,,but it wont pick up enough gas to keep running.Sometime ill get a "kick" from it,,and it will run "forever" if i pour gas in the carb.Each time i remove the carb,,it is very dirty,,and like raggity strands are inside it?....Im going to clean the tank,,and check the filter,,but when i blow air in the tank,,,gas will run out the gasline,,,,but the carb,,wont pick it up enough to run the saw,Can you tell me what im doing wrong? BTY,,,,the saw has good compression.

When you seised the engine did ever run properly again?  Even though it was manufactured in 1984 I think it probably did.  The fuel system needs a thorough cleaning up the fuel cap and clean it make sure that the vent itself next remove the fuel filter typically there is one inside remove all lines and replace them.  If you're going to blow air into the tank, blow it in the outlet.

Remove the carburetor and the mounting block the mounting block  insulats  the carburetor from crankcase combustion temperatures.  These can warp and should be checked on a flat surface.  Next purchase a complete carburetor kit and install it per the instructions or replace the carburetor.  The stringy stuff you're seeing could be old fuel lines breaking down the old diaphragm or the old fuel filter either way it's not good.

Good luck on your project.