Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Old B&S Engine/Old Riding Mower - Best Approach?, appropriate boxes, engine catalog

Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Old B&S Engine/Old Riding Mower - Best Approach?, appropriate boxes, engine catalog
Snapshot of the Beast
Greetings!  I am the proud recipient (by way of a rear-engine 4spd riding mower powered by a B&S vertical 12.57 cu. in. 5HP engine.  The people who gave it to me told me there was something wrong with the engine, and that it would not start (which I have verified by trying!)

I have to imagine that I would be able to replace the engine and resurrect the beast, but the thing appears to be pretty old, and I cannot find much information regarding the engine itself.  I was able to glean the following information off the ID tag on the cover:

MODEL: 130902
TYPE: 0355 02
CODE: 76102507

Is there a more up-to-date engine that I could replace the shot one with?  And would it make sense at all (and is it possible) to upgrade the engine with one that has a higher HP output?

I thank you, in advance, for any advice you may have in this regard.

Thank you!


Hello Jayson:

You can View a Breakdown/IPL of the Engine at this Site Addy; and Enter the Model Numbers (130902) and Type Numbers (0355) in the Appropriate Boxes and Click GO. Then Select Download PDF. I would Say the Reason the Engine Quit Running for the Other Owner is the Point Set Condenser was Bad. That was a Common Problem with the Older Engines. Every Year you had to Clean the Contacts of the Point Set and Replace the Condenser Most Times. If you Wish to Locate a Replacement Engine, then Use this Site Addy; and Click on the Blue "Replacement Engine Catalog" Words and Download the Catalog for Online Viewing. If this Engine has Good Compression, then you can Most Likely get it Running by Replacing the Point Set (or use a Solid State Ign Module that Does Away with the Point Set) and  Soaking, Cleaning and Replacing the Parts of the Carburetor and Tank. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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