Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Engine shuts off, 43526, gas cap

I have a 16 hp koholer, on a Scotts mower made by JD. Model CV16S, Spec. 43526, Serial 3014503043.  It started shutting off after about 10 mins of running, seemed like inclines made it worse. After it sat a while it was good for another 10 or so. I've changed the fuel, cleaned the tank, replaced the fuel line and gas cap and filter.  I thought that fixed it, but not. the fuel filter is clear, after 15 mins. it would shut off, and it looked like it stopped getting fuel. It would sit for a min, and start back up and run for another 15 min. I put a new Carb on, and now its back to the 10 mins and has to sit for a while. It gets fire to the plug the whole time (new plug), and the fuel solenoid clicks on with the key.  Early on, I pulled the wire of the coil, that killed on the safetys, to rule that out.  It didn't seem to have any effect, so I hook it back up.  Any thoughts, cause I'm about out.  thanks for any help you can give

Hello James:

From your Description it Sounds like the Igniter/Ign Module/Coil is Heating Up and Shorting Out. This Cause the Plug to Stop Firing. You can View a Breakdown of the Engine at this Site Addy; and Select Enter as Guest. Now Select the Thumbnail of the Catalog you Wish to View (Magnum). Then Select the MV16 Engine. Then Select your Model. You and I can Use this Site and Breakdown for a Reference if it is Required. This Engine has the Ign Module (Coil). If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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