Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Bushhog ATV remote wiring, bush hog, hp honda

I have a 42" ATV Bushhog with a 11 HP Honda electronic igition engine. The remote electric start/throttle control box was destroyed when it was pulled off the ATV and went under the bush hog. I ordered a new control box from Bush Hog but I am uncertain where the wires are connected on the engine. There are three wires (red, white, and green) in addition to the throttle cable that run back to the engine. The green wire traces back to the kill switch on the control box. I believe the red wire attaches to the starter. If this is correct, can you tell me where the other two wires (white and green) attach?   Thanks

It sounds like you are on your way with the wires but this is a hard question without looking at it but there should be one to the starter and yes that should be the red and one might go to the coil as a shut off and maybe one to ground  and one to the stator but that is my guess but if you have a owners man that should tell you where they go or do a google on it you should find it pretty easy
thank let me know