Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman mower: too much oil, no wont start, briggs and stratton, push power

I overfilled my Craftsman 6.75 HP push power recently.  It had just cut out on me while mowing, I looked in the oil tank and realized I had not added oil this year, so I added a good deal.  It still wouldn't start.  Then I looked and realized the wire had been knocked off the spark plug.  I put that back in place and it started fine.  Bellowed all kinds of white smoke however and ran real rough, and I realized it was burning off oil because I had overfilled it.  So I finished the lawn that day, the smoking stopped after about 1/2 hour of mowing.  Then this week I tried to start it, and chugged and chugged, coughing and smoking until it got slower, and slower, and then just quit.  I can't get it started now.  I drained all the oil and replaced it with the right amount, but I just can't start it at all now.  It has gas.  Any ideas?  This is model number 917 376 152 if that matters.  Thanks so much.

Hello Phil:

Did you Change the Spark Plug? What happens if you Pour a Small Amount of Gas (1oz) Into the Carburetor Throat and Try to Start the Engine? Is the Air Filter Oily? Is Oil Residue in the Carburetor Throat? Go to this Site Addy, and Enter the Model Numbers in the Upper Left Search Box and Click Go. Then Visually Verify the Equipment and Click Continue. From this Page you can View Diagrams or Parts Lists for you Equipment. The Engine Model for your Mower is a Briggs and Stratton Model # 125K02-0658. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Engine at this Site Addy, and Select the Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM and Enter the Model and Type Numbers. Then Double Click on the Model in the Results Area. Now you can Select the Section of the Engine you Wish to View. Thanks.

