Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): JD LX188 throttle, throttle lever, battery acid

I have a JD LX188 riding mower.  I am trying to replace the throttle lever/cable.  I managed, with much frustration and difficulty, to get the old assembly unbolted from under the dash. Now to get the new one properly placed and bolted.  Is there an easier way to get the new one in place?  Do I have to remove the steering wheel (which seems like opening up a new can of worms)?  The space is so small to work in.  Please help!  Thank you.

Sorry Llwellyn this job just SUCKS!!!!!
You broke the tip off of the lever didn't you. It happens a lot. Or maybe battery acid just ate through the cable, that happened to my mother-in-laws.

Wish I had a secret but it's just hard.  Be sure to remove the battery, and sometimes, just removing the bolts securing the dash will make it a little easier.

The best thing I've found is to find a smart 7 year old.  They have hands and arms small enough to start the bolts.