Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): clutch return spring, craftsman lawn mower, linda parks

QUESTION: Craftsman lawn mower mod. 917.271910
Where do I locate the clutch return spring & how do I adjust it, please?  This must be my problem, but I can't locate it.
Thank you so much!
Linda Parks
ANSWER: Hello Linda:

It may have JumpedOff the Mower. Go to this Addy, and Enter the Model Numbrs in the Search Box at the Upper Left. Then Visiually Verify the Mower and Click Continue. Then Select View Diagram of the Ground Drive. The Spring is #55. Notic the Connection Points and then Locate these Connection Points on your Mower. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: John,   Thanks for answering so promptly.   However, I already looked at the diagram countless times.  It just shows the spring, no connection points that I can see.  That's why I can't locate it.   Or where it's supposed to be.

Hello Linda:

OK I Undeerstand Now. Sorry for the Misunderstanding. On the Diagram, the Spring has One End Connected to the Plate #48 in the Hole Next to the #53 Clutch Link Connection. The Other End is Stretched to a Slotted Hole in the Frame Most Times. You Should be Able to See where the Old Spring was Rubbing where Attached. Hope this helps. I am here if you Require More Assistance. let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

