Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman 55cc chain saw, merry christmas and happy new year, fire ignition

I have a new Craftsman 55cc Max Fire Ignition 18" chain saw I received as a gift. On about the 3rd tank full it stalled out after running fine. I have been unable to get it to run again. I used the 40:1 mix with fresh gas. I am getting fuel to the cylinder, I have spark but changed the plug anyway. The air cleaner is fine but I do notice gas in the intake while trying to start it up. I checked the exhaust and cleaned it out (no real fouling anyway) and it pulls fine. Any suggestions? I am at a loss.

 Hello Phil:

 Are you Sure it Isn't Flooded? When a 2-cycle Engine Stalls Most Times it will Flood. To Clear a Flooded 2-cycle Engine Remove the Coil Lead from the Plug. Remove the Plug and Holding the Throttle Full Open, Pull the Starter 5 or 6 Times and Then Replace the Plug and Coil Lead. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks. Be Safe.

 Good Luck



 PS: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (:-))