Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Tecumseh HM80 carb, stop valve, needle valve

Hi John,

All finished!  I followed all your advice, and the beast is running. I did have a problem I'd like to share.  The inlet needle that arrived with my carb repair kit (from includes a very small gasket. The existing needle valve, though exactly the same, did not have that little gasket.  I figured it probably was a mistake. Maybe even the cause of the problems in the first place.  The gasket just didn't provide enough play for the inlet needle to allow any fuel into the fuel bowl (if that's what it's called). That is, once the float was attached, and the bowl re-assembled, the needle would get compressed against the gasket.  I tried smashing it down with a paper clip, but no luck. Finally, I removed the little gasket, and put it back together, and she ran like a champ.  I'm not sure exactly what purpose the little inlet needle performs.  If it's simply to stop fuel from overfilling the bowl, I think I'll have problems eventually.  What if I install a stop valve on the fuel line?  At the end of each use, I'll employ the stop valve, and burn off whatever fuel remains in the line and bowl? Please let me know your thoughts.  Also, I don't think I've got it tuned properly. It's running smoothly at idle, and about 3/4 quarters full. At full throttle, she coughs a bit, but still roars. There's only two adustment screws on this carb. One is down on the bottom of the fuel bowl, and the other on the side of the carb.  The first, I'd guess controls the amount of fuel that can enter the carb from the bowl, and the other I guess is the air mix? How do I adjust those for full-out throttle.  Preferably, I'd like enough power to blow leaves into the next County.
"Lots of Leaves in CT"

The text above is a follow-up to ...

I've a Tecumseh HM80 powering an MTD leaf-blower. I have trouble getting the beast to run, unless the carb is full choked. If I try to ease off on the choke, she dies.  I've tried resetting the spark, spraying cleaner into the carb, without results. From my reading on this site, I think a full cleaning/rehaul of the carb is required. Are there any good instructions available. I'd like to find the correct carb kit, but I don't want to make it any worse.  Thanks, Peter

 Hello Peter:

 This Engine Doesnt Offer a Breakdown/IPL for the Carburator Online. You can Purchase a Shop Manual for this Mower from this Addy However, the Rebuild is Simple. If you are Worried about Forgetting where the Parts go, then take Pictures of your Work aas you go. Then you will have a Picture Reference when Reassembling the Carburator. Be Sure to Saok the Carburator Overnight in Cleaning Solution(Gunk Carburator Cleaner) and then Blow Out the Passages with Compressed Air. You can Purchase the Carburator Kit Locally or Online at this Addy or Call Michelle @ 205-669-2500. She will Assist you with any Questions you May have Reguarding the Purchase. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck



 Hello Peter:

 The Very Small Gasket is the Seat for the Needle. The Old Seat is Supposed to be Removed and the New One Installed. If the Needle is Seating, then No Worries. If it Does Start to Flood the Engine, then Remove the Carburetor and Replace the Seat. I Tell Everyone to Install a Shutoff Valve in the Gas Line and Turn Off the Gas Flow to the Carburetor After Each Use. The Instructions are for Cleaning and Rebuilding the Carburetor. The Instructions for Setting the Air Mixture Screws are in the Text. **The High Air Mixture Screw is In the Carburetor Bowl in the Center of the Nut or Some Carburetors have Both the Low and High Side by Side on the Top Side of the Carburetor. The Screw Closest to the Engine Is Usually the High Air Mixture Screw on this Type Carburetor.The Low Air Mixture is the One at Top on the Side and Goes Into the Carburetor.   Some have the Idle Air Mixture Screw Going Vertically Into the Top of the Carburetor. The Idle Screw is the One that Moves the Throttle Plate. The Following is the Directions for Setting these Screws. **If the Carburetor was Soaked Overnight in Carburetor Cleaning Solution and the Passages Blown Out with Compressed Air and a New Kit Installed, then we can Set the Air Mixture Screws. Turn Both Air Mixture Screws In Until Seated. **DO NOT JAM  SNUG ONLY** Turn Both Screws Out 1 1/2 Turns. Set the Throttle to Full Open and Start the Engine. Override the Throttle by Pushing the Governor Arm by Hand and Turn the High Air Mixture Screw(bottom of the bowl) In Until the Engine is Revving Properly. Now Slow Engine to Idle. Set the Low Air Mixture Screw so there is No Hesitation when Throttling from Idle to Full Throttle. Now Set the Idle if Required.** Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

