Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere Riding Mower model STX38, gravity fed, annapolis md

Hello John-

I was recently given a JD STX38 riding mower.  It's in good shape, but recently when I've used the machine, the engine will run for 10-15 minutes and then it will simply cut out-very similar to when you've run out of fuel.  I checked the fuel and the tank was nearly full. I've noticed that the filter bulb indicates fuel upon the initial start-up, but when the engine cuts out, the filter bulb is dry.  What could be the cause?  I obviously am receiving a ignition current the the plugs, but it appears to be a fuel delivery issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Brad Sulima
Annapolis, MD  

 Hello Brad:

 Usually if the Filter Shows Dry After 15 to 20 Minutes of Running the Engine; the Gas Tank Cap isnt Venting the Tank. Also a Faulty Gas Line from the Tank to the Filter will Cause this. The Inside Layer of the Gas Line Seperates and Creates a Small Flap that Restricts the Gas Flow to the Engine. This Mower Doesnt have a Fuel Pump. The Gas is Gravity Fed to the Carburator. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.

 Good Luck

