Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): wiring diagram and clutch, john deere mower, electric clutch

I have  a 175 john deere mower not hydro ,  it has a electric clutch.  I can move the clutch with my hand. should I be able to do this .  When I try to turn the clutch on the engine dies.  the wires were unhooked under the seat and I do not know what one goes on witch post. It is funny the tractor will start with the seat wires unhooked and when I turn the pto on nothing happens.  When I hook the seat wires  up the tractor will start when i set on the seat and when I turn the pto on the tractor dies.  I would like to have a wireing diagram for it and if you could answer my questions I would be very thankful  Darrell

 Hello Darrell:

 Go to this Addy and Enter the Model Numbers 175. Then Click on your Model. Then Click on the Sectional Index. Once the Sectional Index Opens you can Choose the Section you Wish to View Online or you can Print a Copy of the Section you Wish to View. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.

 Good Luck

