Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): V belt on toro mower, v belt, brake pad

I am trying to put the v belt back on my toro mower but it is difficult with the length of the belt and proximity to the pad brake. How is it normally done?


 Hello Dan:

 Send me the Model Numbers Off of the Mower, Please. With these Numbers I can View a Breakdown of the Mower and Better Assist you. On Some Mowers the Spindle Brake has to be Removed to Replace the Belt Properly. Some Mechanics just Pull the Brake Pad Away Just Far Enough for the New Belt to be Installed. I dont Suggest this as Often Times the Pad Wont Seat Right Afterwards. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.

 Good Luck

