Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): riding lawn mower i.d., mid 1960s, coler

I recently came across an older riding lawn mower but the old guy couldn,t tell me who made it. It,s an 8 horse front engine, 32in. deck, redish orange in coler, and has a little pick-up box behind the seat.He was sure it was sold by Gambells department stores in the early to mid 1960s.I think it would be neat to fix it up. Can you i.d. this machine for me?

 Hello Steve:

 Can you Send me a Picture of the Mower? If you can Send it, then go to  and Post it for me to see. I will Do All I can to Determine the Manufacturer of the Mower for you. This is My Addy for Receiving Pictures Only. I Do Not Answer Questions from this Addy. Thanks.

