Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): lawn tractor ignition switch wiring, sears craftmans, starter solenoid

The ignition switch on my lawn tractor shorted out. The terminal markings on the switch are
   S  M  B  G  L

I pulled off the terminal wires, put a new switch in, but can't remember what wire goes to what terminal on the new switch.  

I don't know a switch from a solonoid, or what a starter looks like, so I don't know how to trace a wire from the battery to....whatever.  

Can you help?  thanks

Hi Larry

S  White Wire  (Accessories)

M  black wire  (Ignition)

B  Red Wire  (Starter solenoid)

G  Black wire (you gotta trace this one, it goes to ground, which is a point where the wire is bolted to the frame)

L  No connection

Now- this is a color scheme for sears craftmans and most Briggs and Strattons-