Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Kohler wont turn over, using jumper cables, jumper cable

I tried the jumper cable ideas; even took the starter off and tried but it doesn’t do anything.  Why would that have made it stop running?  The starter part # is 25-098-09; do you know if I can use a 25-098-08 instead?  Found some 08's that were much less expensive.
Motor #'s
Model: cv730s
Spec: cv730-0017


Followup To

Question -
I have a Craftsman 42” garden tractor with a Kohler 25hp V-twin.  I have had it about 3 years.  The other day I was mowing and the mower stopped as if it was out of gas.  It had plenty of gas and I have checked, charged and rechecked the battery and it seems fine.  Right after this happened with the charger set to “Start Up” it would try to turn a little; now it won’t even do that.  The mower will not turn over; sometimes it doesn’t even make a click when you turn the key.  I noticed that when you turn the lights on it takes a second before the lights come on; when they come on they are very dim.  I thought that was strange because the voltmeter still says the battery is fine.  I have always kept a close eye on the oil and it still looks good.  I can turn the motor by hand…

Answer -
 Hello Bill:

 Check the Battery for a Dead/Weak Cell. To Properly Check a Battery, you need a Battery Load Tester. A Quik Test is as Follows: Using Jumper Cables; Hook them to the Battery in the Mower. Now Connect the Positive Cable to the Large Post on the Starter. Now FIRMLY Touch the Ground to the Engine Block. Does the Engine Turn as Required to Start? If No, then Use a Car Battery and Jumper to the Starter as you Just Did. Does the Starter Turn as Required to Start the Engine? If No, then the Starter is Dragging. If yes Replace the Battery in the Mower. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck



 Hello Bill:

 I never Suggest Using anything Other than the Part Listed Unless its a Last Resort. The Starters are Designed to Set Just so Deep into the Flywheel Teeth and Usually that is where the Problem comes in with using a different Starter than Called for by the Manufacturer. As for why the Engine Shut Down, I have seen Mowers that the Starter has Shorted out and Grounded the Wiring Harness and in Turn Grounds the Coil. I would go with the 09 Starter. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck

