Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftman 18.0 Riding mower, hello john, dirty air

I have a 2 year old riding mower that I can't get to turn over.  I replaced the spark plug and the fuel filter.  On the first crank it seems like it wants to start but it won't keep running.  The only thing I get is that first crank it comes to life then stops. I gave it 20 minutes then tried again..nothing.  COuld a dirty air filter be causing it not to turn over?  I put it in storage with gas still in it and I'm worried I have a gummed up carb.

 Hello John:

 1- Check the Battery for a Dead/Weak Cell. 2- Check the Starter for Dragging. The Actual Running of the Engine is the Carburator Requires Cleaning and Overhauling. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck

